1. Find inkjet model & input "
Quantity" with drop-down.
2. "
Add to Cart!": Your entry will pass to Your Seller Cart and back.
3. Minimum value entry £15.00
4. "CHECK OUT" (top right) to input your details & confirm.
5. Ensure you see
"How to Pack Inkjets & FREEPOST" in readiness for FREEPOST label to follow.
6. On receiving, we confirm & ask for Bank or
PayPal details to pay usually within 24 hrs..
7. Please pack unopened/unused inkjet in protective packaging when sending with empty used. Unused inkjets must be
INTACT & SEALED IN FULL ORIGINAL PACKAGING. We offer two prices for these:
A. One where a the makers Use by Date has expired, or is less than 4 months remaining
B. One where a minimum of at least 4 months unexpired Use by Date is remaining.